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What is RPA?

Contrary to what the name may indicate, the introduction of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) does not mean that we should expect real robots as colleagues in the near future. RPA should instead be seen as a virtual employee who copies the work, the human employee performs on the computer.

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic Process Automation is a new and emerging technology, based on software robots and artificial intelligence (AI). The purpose of RPA is to automate business processes in companies, thus eliminating much of the manual workflows.

RPA is therefore for the internal workflow of the modern company what a real robot is for the workflow in a manufacturing company, but where the car manufacturer's robot collects cars, the RPA software robots optimize the company's internal workflows and automate a wide range of human administrative tasks.

Optimize workflows and free resources

If RPA is used correctly, technology can release resources and your employees can therefore focus on their main work area. RPA can significantly increase the efficiency of your employees and it seems that, in both private and public organizations, there are great opportunities for internal process optimization. Processes that can be streamlined and automated by integrating RPA robots.

Innovative optimization

Optimizing internal work processes through automation is not a new phenomenon. Companies have always strived to increase efficiency and thereby promote growth and earnings. Until now, this efficiency improvement has been achieved, for example, by investing in an ERP system that integrates and optimizes the many processes in the company, but despite implementation of a modern ERP system, work processes are still not fully automated. With RPA, you can further optimize your workflows and thereby achieve a number of improvements, including reduced costs and faster workflows.

How does RPA work?

Think of RPA as a virtual employee working with existing business applications and thus carry out the structured processes automatically. Therefore, it is not necessary to make changes to your existing systems, RPA works as your employees, but automates a number of processes, including invoice processing and reporting. With Robotic Process Automation, business processes can be performed quickly, flawlessly and completely automatically.

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