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Deadline for upgrading to NAV 2018

The sale of NAV 2018 licenses stopped permanently on January 1 this year. If you are a Dynamics NAV customer, you can still upgrade your current Dynamics NAV solution (version 2009 - 2017) to NAV 2018, but you must hurry, the deadline is April 1 this year.

ERP of the future

If you want to take advantage of the latest ERP technology, it is necessary to realize that Dynamics NAV is the past and Business Central the future. But the two solutions are licensed in different ways, and for both the Dynamics community and Microsoft itself, there are still many uncertainties regarding the transition to Business Central.

As previously announced, Microsoft stopped selling new NAV 2018 licenses to new customers on January 1, 2019, but there is still another date worth remembering. On April 1, 2019, there is a deadline for upgrading Dynamics NAV (from version 2009 - 2017) to Dynamics NAV 2018.

What are the buying opportunities for the new customers?

Existing Dynamics NAV 2018 customers still have the opportunity to purchase additional Dynamics NAV 2018 licenses as needed.

How does the change affect existing Dynamics NAV customers?

Existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 customers can continue to purchase new licenses from the Dynamics NAV 2018 price list.

Existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 customers can continue to purchase new licenses from the Dynamics NAV 2009 price list.

Can Dynamics NAV 2009-2017 customers upgrade to Dynamics NAV 2018 on April the 1st, 2019?

Yes, they can. If you have a NAV 2009-2017 license, and if you have paid BREP (Business Ready Enhancement Plan), you can up to and including April 1st 2019 upgrade to Dynamics NAV 2018. If you upgrade to NAV 2018, you will keep the concurrent users license type.

Is it possible to purchase a new NAV 2018 license after 1 January 2019?

No, only until January 1, 2019, was it possible to purchase new licenses for NAV 2018. As of this date, it is only possible to purchase Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central licenses.

Here you can read more about Dynamics 365 Business Central license types and prices

What will happen to the present concurrent users if I upgrade from NAV 2009 - NAV 2018 to Dynamics 365 Business Central?

If you are to move your simultaneous users to named users, they are handled by a 'two for one' exchange. This means that each starter pack is exchanged to six full named users and each concurrent full user is exchanged to two concurrent named users.

Can new customers buy from Dynamics 365 Business Central On-premise and downgrade to NAV 2018?

No downgrading from Dynamics 365 Business Central on siteOn-premise is not allowed

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