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What is Business Central Extensions?

Big changes are happening in Microsoft's ERP world right now, which for some companies means it may be time to rethink their financial solutions. Everything suggests that Navision of the future, now Business Central, will exclusively be written in AL and customized with Extensions. But what are Extensions and how do they change Navision as we have known the solution so far?

Adjustments outside of the solution

Extensions for Business Central allows you to make customizations or add extra functionality to Dynamics 365 Business Central without making any changes to the base code itself. This means that it will be easier to update the application to a newer version, since the adjustments are located outside the solution itself.

In principle, we always recommend our clients to run their ERP system as standard as possible, as it gives them the greatest possible degree of independence and flexibility, but of course we are also fully aware that no company is the same and that all business processes are unique, which is why you often have to make changes or add new functionality to the ERP system.

Easier upgrades

The often extensive and complicated adjustments can often present challenges when upgrading to newer versions of the application, which means that in many cases an update can be both expensive and time-consuming and as a result, many companies postpone the upgrade and instead choose to stay as long as possible on an older version of the application.

And in order to avoid long-term and costly upgrade projects to stand in the way for companies to keep their solutions up-to-date, adjustments made in Business Central's basic code are replaced by Extensions.

Extensions are, quite simply, modifications that are placed outside the application itself. This means that they are not affected by the updates that Microsoft continuously sends out to the standard application. So you are no longer restricted by expensive and complex adjustments when the financial system needs to be updated to the latest version.

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Dynamics 365 Business Central partner