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Power BI - Improved reporting

Power BI is also improved in the upcoming Dynamics 365 update, called the April '19 update, among other things by faster and more efficient reporting.

Optimized reporting

As part of the upcoming Dynamics 365 April '19 update, the performance of loading pages into Power BI is improved and which means the reporting pricess is optimized. With the April '19 update, lazy-loads* the Power BI reports, thereby spreading the requests. The reports are inserted and the initial loading occurs only when users visit their default page for the first time.

The automatic deployment of list page reports introduced in the October 2018 update have been removed as the reports were too resource-intensive for larger datasets.

In addition, Role Center reports are optimized and financial data is now cached in the  Account Schedule KPI**.

* Lazy loading, also called on-demand loading, is a technique for optimizing online content, it can be a website or a web application. Rather than loading the entire site and making it available to the user at once, as in bulk loading, the advantage of lazy loading is that only the most necessary parts is loaded and the remaining is delayed until needed by the user.

** KPI is an abbreviation for Key Performance Indicator and is used as an indicator of how a company or department of a company is performing. KPIs thus gives an indication of how the company or department performs in relation to the established goals.


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