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EHF Faktura 3.0 / PEPPOL BIS 3.0

After January 1, 2020, all Norwegian companies, or companies that trade with Norway, must use the new standard format EHF Invoicing 3.0 when sending electronic documents and it will no longer be possible to send invoices / credit notes via EHF 2.0. Business Central supports PEPPOL BIS 3.0 / EHF 3.0, but if you are using an older version of Navision you should contact us as soon as possible.

What is the EHF format?

Elektronisk Handels Format (Electronic Commerce Format), abbreviated EHF, is the Norwegian state's standard format for electronic trading documents, primarily invoices. Since 2012, companies that have to send sales invoices and credit notes to the Norwegian public sector have been required to do so electronically in the Electronic Commerce Format (EMF). If a company does not send these documents electronically, the authorities have the right to reject the payment. As of 2015, the same requirement was introduced for all Norwegian municipalities.

What is EHF 3.0?

Along with the introduction of a new standard for electronic invoicing for public operators in Europe called Peppol BIS 3.0, as of January 1, 2019, a new mandatory EHF format, called EHF Invoicing 3.0, or just EHF 3.0, was also introduced i Norway. Unlike earlier, where the EHF format was just a Norwegian variant of Peppol BIS, EHF 3.0 is now based on PEPPOL BIS 3.0. This means that the Norwegian rules are included in PEPPOL BIS 3.0 and therefore it is the same format used regardless of whether you invoice within Norway or outside.

EHF 3.0 Business Central

If you want to send documents electronically in Business Central, the individual document must be assigned location numbers and account codes for the European Article Numbering (EAN) to relevant customers on the Customer Card page. These numbers are included when you create an entry or issue a document in Business Central. Once the documents have been sent or issued, they can be sent as electronic versions to the customers.

Certain electronic documents are exported in Business Central as EHF version 3.0, which uses UBL (Universal Business Language) version 2.1. The following documents can be submitted:

  • Sales and service invoices
  • Sales and service credit notes

Business Central exports other electronic documents in EHF version 1.6, which uses UBL version 2.0. The following types of documents can be submitted in this format:

  • Finance fee note
  • Reminders

Where the electronic documents are to be stored, you specify on the Sales & Receivables page. You can also use the Document Exchange functionality to generate and send electronic documents.


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