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Thanks for yet another great year!

Again this year we would like to thank our customers and business partners for the excellent cooperation during the past year. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



A busy and eventful 2019

2019 has been a busy and eventful year. We have been working on new projects, upgrades and implementations throughout the year and not least our IT package solution, Total IT Platform, which provides all the business applications you need to run your business, is becoming increasingly popular. It has become a great desire for many companies, and for some an actual requirement, to have only one IT supplier.

Business Central
The development of Business Central, with this year's two major updates 'April '19 Release' and '2019 Release Wave 2', has of course also been a major focus. Big changes are happening with Business Central for the time being,   the Windows client will for example before long be phased out and all adjustments is now being made as Extensions. Of course, we will also follow this development in the new year, where a new Business Central update will already be available in April.


As always, we are looking forward to the future and we have no doubt that 2020 will be another good year for Active Business Solutions, which will bring more and more positive experiences as well as continued good cooperation with our customers and business partners.

We look forward to an exciting 2020, with all the activities and challenges it will bring with it -and hopefully also a lot of new customers.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone here at Active Business Solutions!

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner