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The end of C/SIDE and Windows client?

Will the April '19 update be the end of the C/SIDE and Windows client and what impact will it have on the Business Central developers and users?

The last version with C/SIDE, C/AL and Windows Client

Dynamics 365 Business Central, which for many people still goes by the name of Navision, enters a new era in October.

2019 Roadmap for Business Central

On Directions Asia Microsoft announced that the version of Business Central released with the April '19 update would be the latest version of Business Central (On-premise) with C/SIDE, C/AL and Windows client. It was also announced that Business Central On-premise in the future will follow the cloud rules.

Changes in Business Central 2019

This means that in October 2019, Microsoft will launch their application in AL and exclusively with VS code. Therefore, that it is worth considering whether existing modifications made in the Business Central / Dynamics NAV basic code should be rewritten and converted to Extensions.


C/SIDE is the development environment for Business Central On-premise / Microsoft Dynamics NAV and is integrated into Navision's client software. C/SIDE is an abbreviation for Client/Server Integrated Development Environment. The development language in C/SIDE is called C/AL (Client/Server Application Language).

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.


AL (Application Language) is the programming language used to change data in a Dynamics 365 Business Central database and to manage the execution of the various application objects, such as pages, reports or codeunits.


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