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BC 2022 RW 2: Track items used in projects

Microsoft has extended the functionality of the item tracking module in Business Central so that it now also covers job planning lines. This means that you will be better able to gain control over your supply chain.


Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically ✓ September 2022 October 2022

✓ indicates that the feature has already been released to public preview.

Full control of goods throughout the supply chain

As the flow of goods in the modern and often global supply chain becomes more and more complex, it has increasingly become more important for the companies that are part of the supply chain to have full control over their goods and keep track of items. For example, when supplying medical and chemical goods, it has become a legal requirement to monitor the transaction flow of the goods. For other companies, it may be a requirement for customer service that they can monitor products with warranties or expiration dates.

Track items used in projects, including picks

With the Dynamics 365 2022 release wave 2 upgradewave for Business Central, Microsoft extends the item tracking module so that it now also covers job planning lines. This means that you as a Business Central user can now find the 'Item Tracking Window' action on the 'Job Planning Lines' page and define the specific lot, serial or package number at an earlier time. Item tracking is also a vital prerequisite for a number of logistics scenarios, for example planning specific item tracking or warehouse selection.


Please note!
If you want to use warehouse or inventory pick with jobs, you must first activate 'Function update: Activate warehouse and warehouse picking from Jobs' on the 'Function management' page.


You should be aware that it is only possible to specify item tracking for lines of the type 'Budget' or 'Both budget and billable'. Any specified serial and lot numbers only affect the consumption part of the process and are transferred to job journal lines, the inventory pick process, and the warehouse pick process. Item tracking is not transferred to sales invoices.


The Item Tracking Lines action on the Job Planning Lines page

The 'Item Tracking Lines' action on the 'Job Planning Lines' page


Inventory pick with tracked items

Inventory pick with tracked items


Inventory pick with tracked items

Inventory pick with tracked items



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