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Power Platform and Business Central

Microsoft Power Platform opens up completely new possibilities and gives Business Central users a wide range of new toolkits to build no/low code apps, visualize and analyze data and automate processes and workflows, all with real-time data.

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Power Platform -applications with integration to Business Central

Microsoft Power Platform is a group of apps that support and create comprehensive solutions and apps, visualize business data, automate and streamline business processes and create agents for communication.

  • Power BI: Analyze business data from a wide variety of data sources
  • Power Apps: Build efficient and smart apps for internal use in the company
  • Power Automate: Design automated workflows and reduce the amount of resource-intensive manual tasks


Power BI

With Power BI integration to Business Central, you get even deeper insight into your company's data and a better overview. By gaining insight into data, the background of the company's business processes is also made visible and demystified.

Power BI is a business intelligence and data visualization platform that makes it easy and straightforward to gain insight into your Business Central data. Based on this data, you can also create dashboards and reports.

Power BI integration to Business Central

By integrating the two applications, you get a wide range of new opportunities and can work with various functionality. Some things you can do in Power BI, while other things are done in Business Central. You should also be aware that some features are only available with Business Central online, and not in the local environment.

View your Business Central data in Power BI

By connecting Power BI and Business Central, you can view your Business Central reports in Power BI. The reports can be the predefined Power BI reports already available in Business Central online or it can be custom reports created by the company that are available.

View your Power BI reports in the Business Central client

On parts of Business Central pages, Power BI reports showing Business Central data can be integrated directly. You can also change the section so that you get a view of any report that is available to you.

Create dashboards and reports in Power BI that display data from BC

With Power BI Desktop, you have the ability to create your own reports and dashboards. You can both publish your reports to your own Power BI service or you can share them with your colleagues across the enterprise.

Use Business Central apps in Power BI

Find three published Business Central apps for Power BI on Microsoft AppSource. With these apps, you can create detailed reports and dashboards in Power BI and view your Business Central data.

You can find the following three apps:

  • Dynamics 365 Business Central - Finance
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central - Sales
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central - CRM

NB! These apps are only available in Business Central online.

Power Apps

Microsoft Power Apps is a suite of apps, connections, services as well as a data platform that allows you to build custom apps for a wide range of your specific business needs.

Business Central as a data source

With Power Apps, you can quickly and easily build your very own user defined and tailored enterprise applications that are connected to your enterprise data. This data is often stored in vastly different data sources across the company's apps and solutions. One source of important business data can be Business Central.

Build apps without writing code

Applications built on Power Apps deliver comprehensive business logic and workflow functionality that transform resource-intensive manual business processes into automated digital work processes. By giving users without code knowledge the ability to build feature-rich apps, Power Apps greatly simplifies the user experience when building custom business apps.

Power Apps also provides a flexible platform that allows developers to interact with data and metadata, utilize business logic, create user-friendly connections and create integration with external data sources.

Apps for Business Central

A big advantage of Power Apps is that the solution allows users without development skills and code knowledge to build business apps, but if you want to build an effective app with Power Apps for Business Central, it is important that you have a thorough understanding of the solution architecture and business logic in Business Central.

When you need to build an app that is connected to data in Business Central, it is done through available APIs in Business Central. If the API's do not meet your specific business requirements, you can create custom connectors based on uses defined API's.

Power Automate

With Power Automate, it is possible to automate a wide range of repetitive business processes and thus free up important resources that can instead be used for business development.

In addition to automating workflows, Power Automate can solve tasks such as sending overdue reminder tasks, moving business data between systems according to a set schedule, communicating with more than 320 data sources or any publicly available API's, and Business Central API's.

Anyone can make flows in Power Automate

Power Automate does not require coding skills and can therefore be used by both business professionals and IT professionals. However, it is recommended that if one wants to use Power Automate to work with Business Central, as a minimum have a basic understanding of the business logic and solution architecture of Business Central.

Examples of flows in Power Automate

Business Central primarily uses event-based flows. Below you will find three basic ways to make a flow.

  • Automated flow
    You can create a flow that, after being triggered by a specific event, aims to perform one or more tasks automatically. For example, you can create a flow that notifies you via email that a new customer has been created in Business Central.
  • Instant flow
    When it comes to trivial and repetitive work tasks, many company employees would probably wish they could perform these at the touch of a button. An immediate flow can, for example, be the registration of a commenced working day for the company's employees. Instant flows in Power Automate allow tasks like this together with many other routine tasks to be performed at the touch of a button on a mobile device.
  • Scheduled flow
    In Power Automate, you can create a scheduled flow that can perform one or more scheduled tasks, such as sending a report in an email. You decide whether to do it once a day, once an hour or a minute, on a specific date, after a number of days, hours or minutes that you specify yourself


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