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Forrester: Business Central increases efficiency

The consulting company Forrester has prepared an analysis which shows that companies can reduce development costs as well as increase the overall operating efficiency by migrating to Business Central.

The analysis

Forrester Consulting has conducted a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study commissioned by Microsoft. With the study, Forrester has explored the potential return on investment (ROI) companies can achieve by implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

The purpose of the study is to give readers a better opportunity to evaluate the potential economic impact and impact that Business Central has in a company.

Forrester has interviewed five clients who already have experience using Business Central and aggregated the experiences of the interviewed clients and combined the results into a single composite company. The purpose of this is to better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with investing in Business Central.

Prior to the implementation of Business Central, the interviewees in question operated their companies with a inconsistent collection of on-premise Microsoft and non-Microsoft ERP solutions which lacked the core functionality that the companies needed to be able to scale and modernize their business.

By migrating to Business Central, corporate finance and operations users gained the enhanced and flexible functionality, overview, visibility and access needed for a modern and digital enterprise whose ambition is to grow and expand.

Conclusion - Operational optimization and savings

Forrester concludes that by implementing Business Central, the five companies optimized the operation of their business, achieved savings, were able to more easily scale the solution as their business grew and benefited from the flexibility a cloud solution provides.

Who is Forrester Consulting?

Forrester is a U.S. research and consulting firm that offers a range of independent and objective services, including research-based consulting and events, which, among other things, aim to help business and technology executives succeed with their businesses.

Please notice

The study was commissioned by Microsoft and is not intended to be used as a competitive analysis.

It goes without saying that it is impossible to know whether other companies will achieve the same ROI as the five companies in the study and Forrester strongly recommends that readers of the report use their own estimates within the framework of the report to determine whether it is appropriate to invest in Business Central.

Here you can read the full report

To read the full report from Forrester, simply follow the link below.

Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Your Challenge. Our Passion
Dynamics 365 Business Central partner