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Business Central: Improved Teams integration

Business teams work more smoothly and perform better when, as part of their work procedures and workflows, they have direct access to in-depth data insight and effective action options. With the Business Central app for Microsoft Teams, users get a unique opportunity to access business data and act on the knowledge they gain directly from Microsoft Teams.

Improved integration with Teams

In Dynamics 365 2022 Release Wave 1, Microsoft has optimized the integration from Microsoft Teams to Business Central. This means a developed and smarter support for the collaboration processes in Microsoft Teams, so you can add Business Central pages into a Teams channel. In addition, the information from Business Central presented in Teams has been improved. This means that business users can do more in Teams, and that they therefore gain benefits such as reduced context change and increased collaboration efficiency.

Function description

Easier app acquisition

Starting with 2022 Release Wave 1, when you insert a link to Business Central in the message writing area of Teams, a banner will automatically be displayed suggesting the installation of the Business Central app so that a preview of the link can be shared as a compact and elegant card. This means that users have to go through fewer steps to get the app.


Simple app acquisition - Business Central link in Teams

Get more work space

With the improved Teams integration in 2022 Release Wave 1 you get more workspace. When a card is shared with a Teams channel, a meeting or a group chat, the card contains a 'Details' button, which shows the details window in Teams.

  • This window now takes up more space on your screen and therefore several fields and actions are displayed at once, so you achieve increased efficiency in your workflow.
  • From the 'Details' window you can now open the full Business Central in your browser.
  • To simplify the user experience and allow a clear progression from map to details to separate window, the 'Popout' button on maps in the new update has been removed.

Note that the new enhancements are only available to Business Central online.

Microsoft Teams

Since Microsoft launched Teams in 20217, the online communication application has gained great popularity among not least business users. Teams were developed to replace Skype for Business and offer everything business teams and users need, including one-on-one conversations, group messaging, video conferencing and audio calling.

In April 2021, Microsoft announced that Teams had reached 145 million daily users daily. The success was probably helped along the way by the corona crisis, but the fact is that the number of users active on Teams is skyrocketing and engagement has exploded.

Teams have become a central and valuable part of the Microsoft 365 platform and the service is integrated with Outlook, Word, SharePoint and other Microsoft apps, such as Dynamics 365 Business Central.

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